Frank Gehry, 1972/2005
Frank Gehry es conocido por utilizar materiales poco convencionales.
Con la serie de muebles “Easy Edges” logró conferir una nueva dimensión estética a un material tan cotidiano como el cartón.
A pesar de su efecto sorprendentemente sencillo, los “Easy Edges” se han construido con el esmero de un arquitecto y son muy robustos y estables.
For his first designs, Easy Edges (1969–73), Gehry favored the simplicity of corrugated cardboard, a material frequently employed in his architectural models. After discovering that single sheets of cardboard gained exponential strength when layered, he began to manipulate the simple material into graceful, curvilinear chairs and tables. With hardboard facing applied to the flat surfaces, the furniture is immensely durable.