Hace poco he descubierto a esta artista y me gusta su obra
Normalmente trabaja con papel construyendo esculturas o
libros. Le gusta reciclar materiales desechados para crear instalaciones ,
dándoles así una nueva vida.
Su obra arte le permite reflejar su preocupación por el
consumo y la responsabilidad ambiental.
I usually
work with paper, constructing sculptural pieces from it, printing on it or make
books from it. Books and magazines feature heavily in my work but I also
recycle other discarded materials to form installations, bringing a new life
and meaning to them.
I focus a
lot of my attention on environmental issues and use my art practice as a
platform to reflect my concerns of our consumption and environmental
responsibility. I often recycle discarded materials to produce a response.
Building Blocks of Life
A year of
Paper Eggs
Me ha parecido una maravilla. Saludos.