martes, 31 de julio de 2007

¿ Como se te ocurre aprovechar un semáforo viejo?

En Greenlight crean lámparas usando semáforos usados. Los faros verdes y rojos de los camiones son tirados a vertederos de basura . Ellos reclaman estos artefactos de vidrio para crear "Stoplights", su nueva línea de lámparas empotradas.

At Greenlight Concepts we create retro-modern lighting fixtures using glass lenses recycled from discarded traffic lights. Across the United States, giant truckloads of red, yellow, and green lenses are tossed into land-fills as cities upgrade to more efficient lighting technology. We're reclaiming these glass artifacts to create "Stoplights," our new line of lighting fixtures

7 comentarios:

  1. ¡¡Genial idea!! un besazo y hasta septiembre que me voy de vacaciones, pero regresaré a leer tus interesantísimas sugerencias.

  2. this is a great idea!!!
    love the things you find to show us!


  4. Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

  5. Awesome site, I had not come across previously in my searches!
    Carry on the fantastic work!
