En Greenlight crean lámparas usando semáforos usados. Los faros verdes y rojos de los camiones son tirados a vertederos de basura . Ellos reclaman estos artefactos de vidrio para crear "Stoplights", su nueva línea de lámparas empotradas.
At Greenlight Concepts we create retro-modern lighting fixtures using glass lenses recycled from discarded traffic lights. Across the United States, giant truckloads of red, yellow, and green lenses are tossed into land-fills as cities upgrade to more efficient lighting technology. We're reclaiming these glass artifacts to create "Stoplights," our new line of lighting fixtures
martes, 31 de julio de 2007
viernes, 27 de julio de 2007
Rebeca Ward
Soy una joyera contemporánea que trabaja en el Museum of Brisbane Workspace .
A veces tengo que destrozar las cosas en cumplimiento del deber , como ventanas o botellas. Otras veces, la naturaleza hace el destrozo por mí.
Drawn to the secret narratives and histories of recycled materials and found objects, Rebecca has often been compelled to incorporate them into her jewellery.
I am a contemporary jeweller working at the Museum of Brisbane Workspace. I sometimes have to wreck things in the line of duty. Like windows and bottles. Other times, nature does the wrecking for me.
A veces tengo que destrozar las cosas en cumplimiento del deber , como ventanas o botellas. Otras veces, la naturaleza hace el destrozo por mí.
Drawn to the secret narratives and histories of recycled materials and found objects, Rebecca has often been compelled to incorporate them into her jewellery.
I am a contemporary jeweller working at the Museum of Brisbane Workspace. I sometimes have to wreck things in the line of duty. Like windows and bottles. Other times, nature does the wrecking for me.
viernes, 20 de julio de 2007
Los hermanos Montoya
Trashformaciones es un colectivo artístico dirigido por los hermanos Montoya ,creado en 2003, y cuyo objetivo es la realización de proyectos y actuaciones artísticas a partir de objetos reciclados.Aquí os muestro algunos de sus proyectos realizados a partir de bañeras y fregaderos usados que han sido expuestos en galerias de todo el mundo
Brothers Pablo and Blas Montoya in Spain formed an art and design collective in 2002 called Trashformaciones to take advantage of the family scrap iron recycling business. Using the wealth of discarded objects at hand, they began creating unusual furniture and art installations out of metal washbasins and bathtubs and exhibiting them outdoors and in museums and gallery spaces.
Gracias Maricuchíbricas
Brothers Pablo and Blas Montoya in Spain formed an art and design collective in 2002 called Trashformaciones to take advantage of the family scrap iron recycling business. Using the wealth of discarded objects at hand, they began creating unusual furniture and art installations out of metal washbasins and bathtubs and exhibiting them outdoors and in museums and gallery spaces.
Gracias Maricuchíbricas
lunes, 16 de julio de 2007
¿ Nos columpiamos en un neumático?
Recordais a los niños de hace bastantes años jugando con neumáticos a modo de columpios.Pues eso mismo hace Abudant Earth al crear sus columpios reciclando neumáticos y dándoles una formas muy variadas, desde un dinosaurio a un elefante.Si quereis ver más aquí
Remember the good old days when the world was at its best when you were under the maple tree swinging from an old tire?At Abundant Earth our hand-crafted Recycled Tire Swings are artfully shaped into a variety of different animals for added fun and excitement. All hardware on our Recycled Tire Swings is covered to ensure smooth surfaces and the tires are cleaned so black will not rub off on clothes and hands.
viernes, 13 de julio de 2007
Los collares de Rebecca Crawford
Rebecca Crawford hace sus collares de botellas de plástico que encuentra en las playas.
Cada forma es cortada por separado a mano asi que no hay dos collares iguales pues los colores varían.
Los collares de "Nurdle" están hechos de trozos de plástico diminutos , que son transportados por mar hasta nuestras playas en Cornwall . Causan el daño enorme a los animales al ser confundidos con huevos de pescado y comidos.
I make these from plastic bottles I find on the beaches . Each shape is cut out individually by hand so no two necklaces turn out the same, so colours will vary! almost every colour combination is possible.
The 'Nurdle' necklaces are made from tiny plastic grains, they are transported by sea and are easily spilled - Our beaches in cornwall are full of them. They cause huge damage to our sea life as they are mistaken for fish eggs and eaten.
Cada forma es cortada por separado a mano asi que no hay dos collares iguales pues los colores varían.
Los collares de "Nurdle" están hechos de trozos de plástico diminutos , que son transportados por mar hasta nuestras playas en Cornwall . Causan el daño enorme a los animales al ser confundidos con huevos de pescado y comidos.
I make these from plastic bottles I find on the beaches . Each shape is cut out individually by hand so no two necklaces turn out the same, so colours will vary! almost every colour combination is possible.
The 'Nurdle' necklaces are made from tiny plastic grains, they are transported by sea and are easily spilled - Our beaches in cornwall are full of them. They cause huge damage to our sea life as they are mistaken for fish eggs and eaten.
martes, 10 de julio de 2007
¿ Que hacer con los envases de los huevos?
Lola me lanzó el reto de que hacer con los envases de los huevos y ahí va lo que he encontrado.
Los adornos de mi arbol de Navidad.
Y por lo que contais son estupendos para insonorizar.
Sigo esperando mas sugerencias.
Lola tell me what to do with the packages of the eggs .
A curious lamp that is called "Cholesterol Lamp".
Marie Claire Idees's dressmaker.
The adornments of my Christmas tree.
A curious penguin, a few tulips, a monster and a seedbed.
I continue waiting more suggestions.
sábado, 7 de julio de 2007
Para celebrar las 10.000 visitas se me ocurre un reto.
Decidme un objeto que usualmente se tira a la basura y yo veré si encuentro a alguien que lo recicla o lo reutiliza.
No me lo pongais muy dificil.
To celebrate 10.000 visits you can choose an object that usually throws itself to the garbage and I will see if I find someone who recycles it or re-uses it.
Not me very difficult please.
Decidme un objeto que usualmente se tira a la basura y yo veré si encuentro a alguien que lo recicla o lo reutiliza.
No me lo pongais muy dificil.
To celebrate 10.000 visits you can choose an object that usually throws itself to the garbage and I will see if I find someone who recycles it or re-uses it.
Not me very difficult please.
viernes, 6 de julio de 2007
El sofá RAJAM de Eduardo Simoëns
El sofá RAJAM es un diseño de Eduardo Simoëns, estudiante en diseño.
Se trata de una experimentación formal entre la flexibilidad de un tejido de embalaje plegado (polietileno de baja densidad) y una estructura tubular en metal que lo sostiene. Este montaje crea una forma de sofá confortable y flexible utilizando estos materiales, obtenemos un objeto totalmente reciclable, muy ligero y poco costoso , hecho raro para una pieza única.
The sofa RAJAM is Eduardo Simoëns design , student in design.
It is about a formal experimentation between the flexibility of packaging material (Polyetylene low density) and a tubular structure in metal that sustains it. This assembly believes a form of comfortable and flexible sofa using these materials, we obtain a completely recyclable, very slight and not very expensive object.
Se trata de una experimentación formal entre la flexibilidad de un tejido de embalaje plegado (polietileno de baja densidad) y una estructura tubular en metal que lo sostiene. Este montaje crea una forma de sofá confortable y flexible utilizando estos materiales, obtenemos un objeto totalmente reciclable, muy ligero y poco costoso , hecho raro para una pieza única.
The sofa RAJAM is Eduardo Simoëns design , student in design.
It is about a formal experimentation between the flexibility of packaging material (Polyetylene low density) and a tubular structure in metal that sustains it. This assembly believes a form of comfortable and flexible sofa using these materials, we obtain a completely recyclable, very slight and not very expensive object.
Thank you for your attention Edouard
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2007
Recopilando objetos
Desde que tengo este blog antes de tirar algo a la basura lo miro dos veces. He realizado un collage con algunos objetos que tiramos usualmente .Como veis en una de las fotos no todas las anillas son iguales. A ver si alguien acierta de donde he sacado las bolas de arriba ( seguro que lo acertais todos)
Han acertado Lola , Beatriz, Capusita y Maca
Since I have this blog before throwing something to the garbage I look it. I have realized a collage with some objects that we throw usually .How you see in one of the photos not all the rings they are equal. To seeing if someone succeeds wherefrom I have extracted the balls.
Han acertado Lola , Beatriz, Capusita y Maca
Since I have this blog before throwing something to the garbage I look it. I have realized a collage with some objects that we throw usually .How you see in one of the photos not all the rings they are equal. To seeing if someone succeeds wherefrom I have extracted the balls.
lunes, 2 de julio de 2007
Lo que hace Stuart Haygarth con la basura
Desde el año 2004 Stuart Haygarth viene trabajando con materiales de desecho y se dedica a recoger objetos para luego agruparlos de acuerdo a sus características. Su idea es la de transformar el significado de estos objetos convirtiéndolos en algo hermoso y funcional.
Stuart Haygarth has been collecting material over a 2 year period and the work is still in progress. The material collected is sorted and categorized and several individual pieces of work are produced.